Fire Resistant Beltings offered by us are manufactured as per the requirements of the clients. These Beltings are widely used in coal & sulphur industries. We are the top Fire Resistant Belts Manufacturers in India.

Coal & sulphur have a tendency to catch fire even at ambient conditions. Hence, it is advisable to use FR Grade belts for transportation of coal & sulphur.


  • Equipped with Fire resistance rubber covers
  • Anti-static
FR GradeFR standardsTensile strength, MPaElongation at break, %Abrasion loss, mm³Application
CAN Type CCAN CSA 422 48715400Over ground

Coal and Lignite handling

IS – FRIS 1891-517350175
AS-E/FAS 133214300
FR – SARIS 1891-5 / KBPL1735090
FR – HR T1IS 1891-5 / IS 1891 – 217350200
FR – ORIS 1891-5 / IS 1891 – 315350200